Chimney Repair
The Art of Brick and Stone Repair Improper repointing can wreak havoc on a building and typically expedite deterioration. It’s important to make sure the masons you work with are trained in traditional techniques and materials so the job is done right, the first time.
Cleaning Bricks
Everest Masonry can absolutely clean interior brick from dirt, paint, mortar, or plaster. Our most common interior projects are fireplace and wall restorations. Our cleaning process does not use chemicals as they tend to seep into the brick. Instead, we use a low-pressure blasting technique to clean or de-paint surfaces. Depending on the type of brick as well as its age and condition, we can generally clean most exterior brick. Our most common exterior projects include graffiti removal, fire restoration, mold removal, cleaning, and de-painting.
Exterior Caulking
We offer complete caulking services, sealing, and weatherproofing services. We are proficient at fixing all types of sealants, growing foam sealants, seeping sealers, tuck pointing, small waterproofing works, compression seal systems, fire rated sealants, sprays, and pedestrian and vehicular class deck coating. Caulking Professionals is licensed, insured and bondable. We handle new structure, reconstructions, and repairs to existing buildings, working with several local general contractors and administration companies, on a broad variety of projects.
Our Parging Mix is a superior bonding cement mixture designed specifically for finishing concrete blocks or poured concrete walls, above and below grade always applied by licensed mason and guaranteed to last.
Repointing & Tuck pointing
Our team of experts meticulously remove the original mortar to the correct depth using a combination of hand tools and specialized equipment. We point in the new mortar in layers by hand, using century-old techniques. We then tool it to match the original style and appearance of the existing masonry. It is a very thorough process, and one we take pride in. The finished product will restore the grandeur of original construction and maintain the design and performance of the building.
Structural Masonry replacement
The integrity of masonry structures can be compromised by factors such as deteriorated mortar joints and cracked bricks. At Forest Contractors we have the experience and the skill required to repair these and all other types of issues that are prevalent in masonry construction. Our repair techniques include tuck-pointing of deteriorated mortar joints and removal and replacement of cracked or distressed brick.
Silica Dust Control
Eliminate or reduce the silica content. "Engineer" out the exposure - i.e. use an effective local exhaust or vacuum tool system, wet-cutting and/or isolate the source of dust. Use administrative and work practice controls, such as limiting the amount of time of exposure and working with materials in a way that reduces the generation of airborne dust. Use personal protective equipment, such as a respirator and coveralls that keeps the dust off the clothes you wear home. Respirators may still be required if the above controls don't adequately reduce exposure levels.