About Us

About Us
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Contact Info

684 West College St. Sun City, United States America, 064781.

+(528) 456-7592


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My job is to help professionals to achieve their industrial goals whilst having adequate protection along the way.


About Us

One Of The Fastest Way To Success

Every job is different. Our standards for excellence remain the same. Everest masonry specializes in all types of restoration projects including commercial, institutional and residential/condominium anywhere in Ontario. Our projects range from small scale to complex multiyear; Exterior Wall Repairs; Masonry and Stonework Repairs; Heritage Building Restoration; Parking Structure Rehabilitation; Weatherproofing and Moisture Protection; Balcony Concrete Rehabilitation & Railings Replacement; Window & Sealants Replacement; Specialty Repairs.


specializes in all types of restorations


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Created New Projects

This family owned company was great. They were honest, professional, Responsive. They let us know every step of the way from starting the job till the job was finished. Thanks to them they helped us. They showed up everyday, bright and early ready to go. Couldn’t have asked for anything more. They did an amazing job. A.A. Masonary & Construction all the way!

-Nicole O

Our Portfolio

One Of The Fastest Way To Success